U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary National Web Site
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 Western Rivers Patch

USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 16-06

Oklahoma City, OK


Welcome to our Flotilla's Website

The Coast Guard Auxiliary is the civilian volunteer arm of the United States Coast Guard. It is made up of over 34,000 men and women who donate their time and expertise to support the Coast Guard and improve recreational boating safety.

We're happy to have you visit Flotilla 16-6's web site. Our Flotilla meets on the second Monday of each month at Metro Tech's Aviation Campus in the cafeteria in Oklahoma City. Our Flotilla has members from throughout the Cleveland and Oklahoma County areas.


We are committed to boater's safety and acccomplish this through multiple missions. These missions include public education, safety patrols, vessel safety checkes, and marine safety and environmental protection. We are often working with law enforcement officials and boating organizations to impore the boater's understanidng of boating dangers.

In additiaonl to boating safety, the Coast Guard Auxiliary is an active member of Team Coast Guard helping everyday in the defense of this great nation agaist terrorism. WIthout sharing the details of our activity and resposibilities, it can be said that the Auxiliary is a 'force multiplier' enabling the active duty and reserve Coast Guard members to remain on the water while Auxiliarists serve in capacities fitting our capabilities.

Join US!

We always welcome Visitors and New Members. U.S. citizens age 17 and older can join, and you do not need to own a boat or even have boating experience. Annual dues are modest, and you can get as much free training and be as active as your schedule permits. Use the menu link above for more information.

Web Site Organization

This site is being revamped and many pages are not yet complete. Please have patience as we will be adding more information and attempt to keep it up to date.